“Amazing students, I am so very proud of these students, often people feel lost when something bad happens, especially during the pandemic,but it didn’t even take a day before I heard from Noor and Moe that they had an idea and wanted to help people. Raising money is doable, getting donations is hard but doable, and getting the stuff from here to the people who need it is unbelievable. You didn’t do it only once but twice!” (April 2021)
“The hard work and time you have devoted to collecting supplies…is a testament to your good will and commitment to helping others. Their lives were bettered because of your selflessness and I am very grateful for you making the effort to help others in their time of need.” (2021)
Noor, Mohamad Ali…have displayed remarkable leadership, commitment and compassion at a time of urgency and adversity with honorable acts of charity. “they” …have helped provide much-needed relief…through selfless acts of kindness organized several donation drives to send two large containers of food, clothing, hygienic and medical supplies to meet the essential needs of those impacted…”they”united students in effort to provide humanitarian aid.” (April 2021)
“It’s an honor to have you in our school, we are very proud of you. ”
“My sincerest congratulations and admiration of your exemplary acts of human kindness to repair the world. You have demonstrated your dedication and commitment to hard work by achieving this monumental task. Your efforts to procure essential donations… is a selfless act to help others survive and rebuild their lives. You have proven you possess the capabilities, initiative, heart, and fortitude to improve the world. I am so proud of you!”
“Noor and Mohamad Ali Hachem, initiated a humanitarian drive to secure essential donations of much needed supplies such as non-perishable food, water, blankets, toiletries, and hygiene products; The task of coordinating a drive to send much needed supplies to the city speaks highly of their character. The coordination to ship these containers was a monstrous task”
“Because of you,. Because of individuals like yourselves who are committed, educated, caring, and devoted students who are of Arab heritage. You are the future…I applaud your service and the efforts put forth by each one of you. The compassion and empathy that you demonstrate is as important as the knowledge you acquire.”
“The members…have displayed selfless acts of kindness, dedication and perseverance through their heartfelt actions executed in contribution to the betterment of humanity; (the members) have participated in many donations drive to successfully send two large containers of food, clothing, shoes as well as hygiene and medical supplies to satisfy and meet the essential needs of others; ( the members) did unite for a cause to contribute to the diligent pursuit of delivering much needed aid during the pandemic crisis; have tenaciously been involved in investing countless community service hours…, have executed and displayed remarkable efforts, teamwork, commitment, and compassion at a time of urgency and adversity with compelling acts of the human heart. “( April 2021).
“Uniteforacause provided tools by organizing a community tool collection drive to assist Toolbank Disaster service mission. The tools collected were immediately dispatched to the recovery efforts for Hurricane Ida, but they were also used in the recovery efforts with Hurricane Idalia that impacted the Big Bend area of Florida in Sept 2023. The tools provided have been added to the the ToolBank inventory for assistance with disaster victims. ( 2024)